LIAP Mexico

Seniors El Refugio

An elderly care facility for homeless seniors, El Refugio has been a free-of-charge facility since 2001. The elderly in Mexico do not receive Medical or Social Security benefits and cannot go to a convalescent home. Many end up living on the street when they are abandoned by family members who don’t have the means or space to care for them. They are then picked up by the Red Cross or local police and very often dropped off on our doorstep.

We currently have 130 seniors in our care. Our mission is that each of them will know Christ as their Savior before they pass away. We clothe and feed them, drive them to medical appointments, and most importantly embrace them with God’s love.

How to Pray

  • Strength and stamina for our volunteers and leaders
  • Funds to pay the doctor who comes several times a week to check residents’ health
  • Wisdom for our directors as they face difficult decision each day
  • That the City of Tijuana would be more involved in helping with our needs
  • Safety and health for each senior resident under our care

How to Help
We always need donations of basic food and dry goods, cleaning supplies, clothing, laundry detergent, toiletries, and monetary gifts to cover the doctor’s fee, medical bills, utilities, and gas costs.

The Directors

Pastor Jesus “Chuy” and Magdalena Mondragón were first burdened for Tijuana’s seniors when they saw an elderly man eating from a trash can at a bus stop.

They took him into their home, and soon they had so many that the center was established.

Chuy & Magdalena have one child living at home and pastor two churches in the city of Tijuana.

Our Programs

AMA Teen Center

Too many teens in Tijuana end up on drugs because they lose hope and never learn that Jesus came to give them “life to the fullest.”

La Peña City Church

We believe we are a church of the New Testament (Act 2:43-47). We are a spirit-filled church that loves to worship God…

APV Camps

We have one one-on-one counseling time and preachings. There are multiple workshops on trending topics to help the girls be safely informed.